Upcoming events
The Distance between us is Holy ground
friday, March 14, 2025
details and registration link coming soon!
The Distance between us is holy ground
Friday, March 14, 2025
Location: Kahuku Unit, Hawaii Volcanoes National Park, in Ka’u
In the wa kahiko time before colonization), Hawaiians divided people into chiefs, priests, and common common people, who fished and farmed, providing for the community by stewarding the land and sea. These people were called the maka’ainana, “the eyes of the land.”
So many of us have forgotten this sacred task.
This ceremonial gathering at Kahuku is a way to repair the relationship between humans and the ‘aina through the ritual telling of the story of Pele and Kamapua’a, and time spent courting the wild in the story’s field though solo time walking the land, where you’ll be invited to once again take your place as the eyes of the land, and perhaps catch a story that wants to be shared with your fellow humans.
Myth & Mandala: The Pursuit of Dermot and Grainne
Friday, April 11, 2025
With Jen Lighty and Elle Luna
Join us for the third story in our triad exploring romantic love and learn what this great Irish epic has to tell us about grown-up love, the kind that lasts a lifetime.
After Jen tells the story, Elle will lead us in making art to honor and integrate the story.
To close the ceremony, we’ll share a delicious, home-cooked meal.
At a private location in Kealakekua.
Art supplies and meal included.
Space is limited for this intimate event.
Registration link coming soon.
The New Thought Center
Sunday, April 13, 2025
Kealakekua, HI
I am honored to be the guest speaker at The New Thought Center for a third time.
Topic to be announced.
Are you ready to live a life of purpose and flow? The Coracle is an online, immersive experience that will summon mythic forces to assist you in creating a life of purpose and flow.