Now Booking Individual Journeys
A Mythic Rites of Passage Mentorship
I receive rain from the moon. I am the oracle of silence. Mysteries pass through my skin to be revealed as waves on the unimagined shore. I am the safe passage over the dark ocean. I will carry you where you need to go.

Come Aboard
Welcome to The Coracle, an online rites of passage mentorship merging the deep Earth wisdom of folk tales and myth, with Mū Hawaiian teachings on emotional intelligence refreshed for the modern age by my mentor, Ke’oni Hanalei of Pōhala Hawaiian Botanicals.
The Coracle consists of three journeys. Each voyage is activated and integrated through the ceremony of remembering and embodying the ancient instructions given to us by nature on how to become a proper human, and carried for millennia by folk tales and myths into the modern age.
If you are looking for deep, embodied transformation, in an impeccably constructed and held ritual container, book a discovery call so we can explore if this initiation is right for you.
the calling
Become Your own safe harbor
In the first journey of The Coracle, we’ll explore, through folk tales and poetry, what’s limiting you from feeling true inner safety and the sense of belonging that stems from it, find a remedy, and imprint your cells with your new story of belonging so you can be the conscious creator of your life moving forward.
The Courage to act from the heart
In the second journey, the stories will guide us on a quest to discover what’s shut down your heart, and summon the courage to open it, so you can find or regain the belief in yourself necessary to becoming the hero of your own life in service to others.
Flow with purpose
The third journey isn’t one we go on. It takes us. The ticket is the union of safety and belonging with the courage of the awakened heart.
Our story allies on this part of the journey will assist us in refining your sense of safety and belonging, and your courage, so you can arrive on the far shore with the conviction to collaborate with life in creating a life of purpose.
These final stories will also act as a reflection of your holistic self, providing you with a narrative of who you are and why you came here that will somatically imprint on your cells. You will become your own operating manual and the teller of your own story.
connect with your lineage
In earlier times, and even in some cultures today that have persevered against the ravages of colonialism, people were held in a matrix of ancestral stories that connected them to Earth and stars.
You may not know the names of your ancestors going back more than a generation or two. You may feel the loss of not knowing, or even shame at what your ancestors took from others. That loss and shame is worthy of grieving so you can complete it and move on.
However, the purpose of The Coracle isn’t to clear your genetic or spiritual lineage. This is a journey to your original ancestors—deep-rooted oaks, lightning on the mountaintop, stones that have been watching you from deep beneath Earth since the day you were born.
These ancestors have been in your cells all along, waiting for the stories that will reactivate the primal patterns they carry so you can follow their instructions.
And what do they want to show you?
How to become a mature human in service to the sacred as it appears in your daily life in the world you live in right now.
Leave your legacy
You don’t have to be rich and famous to leave a worthy legacy. You don’t have to paint a masterpiece like Picasso’s “Guernica,” or write a poem like Mary Oliver’s “Wild Geese.”
You don’t need biological descendants, and you will leave a legacy no matter what, so why not make it something worthy?
A worthy legacy doesn’t have to be something grand in the world’s eyes. It doesn’t even need to be what society deems positive.
It needs to be a contribution to life.
Some of the greatest people I know lead quiet lives. Some of them are acclaimed in their communities, but others aren’t, and are even dismissed or mocked because they don’t conform to society.
What these people all have in common, is the belonging that comes from knowing themselves, and the courage to follow their hearts.
They are living evidence that leaving a legacy doesn’t require material riches or fame, or biological children. All that’s required is to be consistently true to yourself.
That is how a worthy body of work is created, Your body of work, whether it be a work of art, a business, or a thousand-and-one small acts of kindness, is your legacy.
Are you ready to find out who you really are and create your conscious legacy that only you can contribute to life?
Are you ready to find out who you really are and create your conscious legacy that only you can contribute to life?
Questions? Let’s get to know each other and find out how The Coracle can serve you.
Our Compass
The spirit of reciprocity will be our guiding light
What can we humans give back in exchange for the gift of the ancient stories that will guide us into our depths, through our storms, and over the rolling ocean waves that will bring us to the shore that has always been waiting for us?
The old stories are the voice of our original ancestors, the elements themselves. Through the simple, but so often forgotten acts of asking for consent and offering praise, we’ll enter into relationship with these stories as living beings who are still in touch with the holy, and who have miraculously made it to this modern age on the tongues of storytellers, seanchaí, griots, and troubadours, through centuries of colonial oppression and genocide.
While I can’t say with total certainty where we’ll go since The Coracle is partially piloted by you, some currents may carry us to ancient Erin and Wales, dank Germanic forests where giant trees drip with dew, medieval Aquitaine where the troubadours are still singing of the Grail in rhapsodies of courtly love. We may find ourselves in Greece sequestered in a dark lovers’ chamber with Psyche and Eros, or in remote mountain villages in the Caucasus. The Firebird may summon us into Russian forests, and we’ll certainly journey to the land of midnight sun, to Siberia and the Arctic, where the images distilled from six months of darkness will awe us with their bone-chilling precision. We may even be called even further eastward to cross the Pacific, where Pele still lives in her volcano home.
Throughout the entire Coracle, we’ll honor the Mū lineage, the pre-Polynesian inhabitants of the Hawaiian archipelago. My mentor, Ke’oni Hanalei, is a descendant of this lineage, which goes back 1,017 known generations. As the contemporary representative of this lineage, he has offered his content for us to work with aspects of the Mū teachings in The Coracle, and we shall do so with integrity and gratitude.
Ke’oni has refreshed these ancient teachings to make them relevant for those alive today. We are blessed to have this ike (wisdom) as a core foundation accompanying the myths and folk tales in The Coracle.

twelve consecutive weeks of soulful, ceremonial support to assist you in establishing inner safety and opening to the courage of your heart to find and express your purpose in service to life’s Flow.
One Woman’s Journey
“I am wholesomely impressed by my experience of my transformation within the Coracle.
What is being offered is a Holy offering—a significant contribution to a person’s ability to show up for themselves, to represent themselves in a true divine expression of who they came to be. Who they are in this life.
Within this journey, I was guided through ancient traditional stories into the internal tapestry of the self. The medicine within the stories exposed the truth necessary to bring healing and balance to parts of my being that had been distorted by the oppression of social and personal constraints. Often, parts of myself that had become hidden within my psyche and difficult to access.
The Coracle is a modern-day ceremony. Exquisitely created to work in tandem with seemingly mundane daily existence. I am blown away by the power of transformation that results from the facilitation. The vast space of magic opens, reaching out of the stories, infusing their wisdom into the actions of my thoughts, heart and actions of waking life.
Jen is a master at her craft, a medicine woman using intuition combined with her seasoned relationships with the stories and poetic verse to extract the medicine that will support the individual process of the mentee.
Her ability to take care, listen, and dedicate a safe ceremonial space throughout the duration of the Coracle could not be more impeccable. Thanks to Jen’s efforts, I have been granted what has up until this moment felt incomplete within my personal growth process. I have been granted a truly honorable acknowledgment of my rights of passage—moving from the mainstream adolescence into the exalted mystic. Here I stand, claiming my power and full expression of my truth. I am forever grateful to be held in Jen’s grace and integrity through this pinnacle transition aboard the Coracle.
—Morgan Tass Rando
“Without human mirrors, animals offered to show me who I was, and who I could become. Deer and dog, turtle and snake, honeybee and dragonfly, hawk and owl, seal and songbird. Eventually, my world expanded to another ocean where the mirrors were less opaque, more aquamarine than labradorite, and the reflections I saw looking back at me more unfamiliar: dolphin and whale, octopus and eel. Shark. After years of low light, often gray, I started to see in technicolor.”
—from Piko: A Return to the Dreaming
more reasons to board the coracle
You feel you don’t belong on Earth.
You feel disconnected from your lineage and long for a spiritual path.
You wish you had initiation rituals to guide you through important life passages, but are concerned about cultural appropriation.
You’ve lost faith in humanity.
You feel hopeless when you look at all the dire situations occurring now on Earth and feel nothing you do will make a difference.
You are frustrated and constantly in resistance.
You feel isolated and cut off from nature.
You rely on logic more than intuition, or
You want to ground your intuition in the real world.
You want to open up conversations with the non-human world.
You’re seeking a grounded, mystical, multidimensional approach to healing.
You desire more flow.
You want to be of service, but don’t know how.
You want to learn how to create your own respectful ceremonies and rituals.
You want to become your own oracle.
You are done with controlling life, and are ready to surrender to the mysterious adventure of existence on Earth.
I receive rain from the moon. I am the oracle of silence. Mysteries pass through my skin to be revealed as waves on the unimagined shore. I am the safe passage over the dark ocean. I will carry you where you need to go.